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The Truth Behind the Russian Ammo Ban

NRA | Published on 1/20/2022
The price of Russian-made, usually steel-cased ammunition went up overnight with the Sept. 7 U.S. State Department announcement that new or pending applications for its importation will be denied. Although officially labeled as an expansion of sanctions in response to alleged violation of the “Chemical and Biological Weapons Control and Warfare Elimination Act of 1991,” industry experts warn stateside gun owners are the real victims.

Ammunition manufactured in the Russian Federation is an inexpensive and reliable alternative, often the first choice for budget-conscious enthusiasts who shoot in high volume. The number of steel casings at any range confirm that fact, and it won’t be long until those gun owners will be purchasing other brands—your favorite loads among them. The development jeopardizes supply that has only begun to emerge from the serious shortage of 2020.