Call and Email Their Offices to Express Your Opposition!
We need every pro-gun Coloradan to call and email these committee members expressing their opposition to this flagrant attempt to infringe our Second Amendment rights!
We have it on good authority that Byron and Rod Pelton are both NO votes on this bill. We recommend encouraging messages of gratitude to them for their efforts to kill this bill.
However, any Democrats on this committee will need, one way or another, to be persuaded to vote against this bill. We recommend respectful and compelling arguments here. It can never hurt to politely remind appointed freshman Democrats of the recent election results experienced by the likes of Tim Hernandez as a consequence of their crusading against our constitutional rights.
We also recommend reaching out to Governor Polis’s office by phone at (303) 866-2471 and email at
Let’s Remind the Democrats What Their Voters Think of This Gun Ban!
In addition to all of us contacting these senators, we want to ensure they hear from a large number pro-gun voters who live in their own senate districts.
That is why this weekend through Tuesday we are using our Constituent Outreach Fund as a vehicle for a targeted messaging campaign targeting pro-gun voters in the districts of Senators Weissman, Sullivan, and Ball. We are encouraging these folks to contact their senators and respectfully explain that they will be voting them out of office if they choose to approve this bill.
In order to be most effective at this, we need your support. Every $50 we raise in our Constituent Outreach Fund covers the cost of reaching out to 500 of these individuals with this ever-important call to action.
Click on the button below to contribute to our Constituent Outreach Fund.
Huey Laugesen
Executive Director
Colorado State Shooting Association