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Statement on Shooting in Boulder

CSSA | Published on 3/23/2021

Today, Colorado lost a brave officer in Eric Talley. He heroically served on the force since 2010. We as a Colorado community must come around his family and fellow officers to support, pray for, care for, and encourage through this dark time. We do not know the names of the other victims, but we must rally around those who are enduring the loss of those whom they knew, loved, and cherished. Also, we must help those who survived to recover physically, mentally, and emotionally.


We must remember the names of those who were murdered and work to rid this world of the evil that can cause such a horrible event. We must speak the good they brought into this world. We must write about the aspirations they had. We must post about how they would have made the world a better place.


We must not provide notoriety, fame, or press to a murderous monster. Do not speak the killer’s name. Do not write the killer’s name. Do not post the killer’s name. This person deserves nothing to be remembered of him.


There will be a time for the debate on gun laws. There will be a time for the discussion on motives. There will be a time for a conversation on how this could have been prevented. But today is not the time. Today is the time for grieving and healing.


Today is not a day to cloud our remembrance with the sort of emotional sensationalism that inevitably ends up being contradicted by the practical facts of keeping our communities safe. 


This statement was written by someone who survived a school shooting. Someone who has felt that fear. Someone who, along with all of CSSA, will oppose all gun-control measures as a proven mistaken way to attempt to prevent these shootings but knows that right now is the time to grieve and heal.


When grief passes and the time comes for action, CSSA will be here to passionately advocate for those actions towards safer communities.