Here’s How Every State Senator Voted on the Semi-Auto Gun Ban
Below you’ll find a breakdown of yesterday’s final-passage vote on Senate Bill 25-003, the Semi-Automatic Firearm Ban and Gun Owner Registry, in the state Senate. If signed into law, this bill will severely restrict access to a majority of the most popular semi-automatic firearms used for self-defense, home defense and sport shooting, unless a prospective buyer submits his or her name to a gun owner registry and sifts their way through a lengthy and expensive bureaucratic process to obtain a license to purchase.
The fight against this bill is far from over, and we will not rest until it is defeated — whether in the state House of Representatives, the Governor’s Office, or the courts. You can support us by becoming a member of the Colorado State Shooting Association (your official state association of the NRA) or by making a contribution at the bottom of this email.
If you can spare the time, we encourage you to contact every senator who voted in favor of the bill, demanding answers for why they saw it appropriate to infringe on your Second Amendment rights so flagrantly. We also encourage grateful and supportive messages to most of the senators who voted against it.
We say most because Senators Marc Snyder (D) and Tony Exum (D) were initially co-sponsors of the bill, despite voting against it yesterday afternoon. No doubt their early support aided in the legislation’s ascent to viability. Somewhat humorously, Senator Snyder cited reading the bill as the catalyst for his change of heart. Now, we would never doubt these two senators have a habit of supporting bills they haven’t read — though we suspect our heavy campaigning among pro-gun voters within their districts may have played a role in the flip-flop.
For your part, we think Snyder (D) and Exum (D) ought to receive messages questioning how often they support bills they haven’t even read. They should be called on to give true answers for their initial support of Senate Bill 3. Was it all a ploy to ensure the Democrats’ far-left anti-gun agenda could make it through the Senate without costing the caucus two of their most vulnerable seats? These are all good questions; we’d like to know the answers.
A message from CSSA to Senator Hinrichsen (D): Thank you for not co-sponsoring Senate Bill 3 and following it up with a no vote, breaking from your party on this gun ban. We will continue to monitor votes senators make on gun bills. We hope to see you cast more Second Amendment affirming votes in the future and are open to working with you to defend gun rights. However, if we come to find that you only vote pro-gun when you think it would be a political liability not to, we will come for your seat in the legislature with the full force of the Colorado State Shooting Association.
Now for our members and supporters, here’s the list of yes votes, followed by the list of no votes (every senator’s contact info is listed next to their name):
Yes votes: 19 (all are Democrats)
Sen. Judy Amabile (Democrat, SD-18), 303-866-4872,
Sen. Matt Ball (Democrat, SD-31), 303-866-4861,
Sen. Jeff Bridges (Democrat, SD-26), 303-866-4846,
Sen. Lisa Cutter (Democrat, SD-20), 303-866-4859,
Sen. Jesse Danielson (Democrat, SD-22), 303-866-4856,
Sen. Lindsey Daugherty (Democrat, SD-19), 303-866-4840,
Sen. Julie Gonzales (Democrat, SD-34), 303-866-4862,
Sen. Iman Jodeh (Democrat, SD-29), 303-866-3432,
Sen. Cathy Kipp (Democrat, SD-14), 303-866-4841,
Sen. Chris Kolker (Democrat, SD-16), 303-866-4883,
Sen. Janice Marchman (Democrat, SD-15), 303-866-4853,
Sen. Dafna Michaelson Jenet (Democrat, SD-21), 303-866-4857,
Sen. Kyle Mullica (Democrat, SD-24), 303-866-4451,
Sen. Dylan Roberts (Democrat, SD-8), 303-866-4871,
Sen. Robert Rodriguez (Democrat, SD-32), 303-866-4852,
Sen. Tom Sullivan (Democrat, SD-27), 303-866-4873,
Sen. Mike Weissman (Democratl, SD-28), 303-866-4879,
Sen. Faith Winter (Democrat, SD-25), 303-866-4863,
Sen. James Coleman (Democrat, SD-33), 303-866-4864,
No Votes: 15
Sen. Mark Baisley (Republican, SD-4), 303-866-4877,
Sen. Scott Bright (Republican, SD-13), 303-866-4855,
Sen. John Carson (Republican, SD-30), 303-866-4881,
Sen. Marc Catlin (Republican, SD-5), 303-866-5292,
Sen. Tony Exum (Democrat, SD-11), 303-866-6364,
Sen. Lisa Frizell (Republican, SD-2), 303-866-4869,
Sen. Nick Hinrichsen (Democrat, SD-3), 303-866-4878,
Sen. Barbara Kirkmeyer (Republican, SD-23), 303-866-4876,
Sen. Larry Liston (Republican, SD-10), 303-866-2737,
Sen. Paul Lundeen (Republican, SD-9), 303-866-4835,
Sen. Byron Pelton (Republican, SD-1), 303-866-6360,
Sen. Rod Pelton (Republican, SD-35), 303-866-4884,
Sen. Janice Rich (Republican, SD-7), 303-866-3077,
Sen. Cleave Simpson (Republican, SD-6), 303-866-4875,
Sen. Marc Snyder (Democrat, SD-12), 303-866-4880,